Dental Implants
Dental implants could be the most comfortable way to replace the missing teeth
For those who have experienced tooth loss, dental implants could be the most comfortable and pleasant way to replace the missing valuable teeth.
The process starts with inserting a root – like titanium implant into the bone in a minor procedure which could take shorter time than tooth extraction.
Weeks or months later , the crown or a full set of zirconia made teeth are attached to the integrated implants . In some cases, we could do this immediately.
Generally speaking , implants can restore strength, comfort and look of natural teeth.
A 3D imaging is required before we go ahead with procedure . It helps to determine the bone quality and size , which in turn , helps us to select the proper design of the implant.
Dr Kafagy is currently adopting the new technology of 3D guided surgery , where the full implant placement is designed on the computer software . A special milling machine then fabricates a guiding template through which , a very precise and accurate placement could be achieved . This technique eliminates many of the classic complications of implant dentistry.
For more information and individual assessment you need to have a consultation about 45 minutes that would help you to compare implants to other restorative options.
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